Tira/Comic Strip – 03

Tira 03 Por Eduardo Henrique Martins

“Doing an urine exam is something crazy.

First, the woman asks you to throw away the first stream, use the middle one and discard the last one too.

I don’t know how women are, but men open the register and let the waters roll until the fount dries.

Afterwards you have to play alchemy

And lastly, you leave as if nothing happened.”

Tira/Comic Strip – 02

tira 02 EduardoHenriqueMartins

(Clique para melhorar a qualidade)

(click to improve quality)


Panel 1: ‘Bobo’ Network News Bulletin: The identification of the 9/11 victims was resumed in New York, to unify the population.

(worker:) Hey, I found a credit card!

(worker-2:) ‘think it works?

Panel 2: Obama makes an exchange for 30 armies and puts them in Guam.

Panel 3: Psy ask the USA for asylum, after the moving of missiles.

Tira/Comic Strip – 01

Aqui está! A primeira tirinha que coloco aqui!

Here it is! The first comic strip I post here!

tira 01 small

translation: “This week, a private school in the centre of Florianópolis released its list of choices for the ‘vestibular’ [note: a test to get into any chosen college course in Brazil].

85 doubt; 28 Administration; 34 Law; and…

One Cinema.

One. One poor soul, rejected by society. Preferably his career would be to juggle in front of  streetlights.

The parents preferred not to comment.

(man:) Calm down, dear.

(woman:) “Gulp” “snif, snif!”