“I feel as if there’s a little man on my back.
‘Go draw.’
‘Go draw, will ya’
Sometimes he’s bothersome.”
Ok, Não é exatamente uma tira, mas pela continuidade estou a chamando assim.
Okay, it’s not exactly a comic strip, but for continuity’s sake I’m calling it that.
“I held myself for a while in the vain questioning of what to put here. So many comics already made and things said about these last times.
But what? Would everything fit here?
Or should I isolate a small aspect?
Or, yet, what to say is still forming inside me, like any other important happening, which takes long to be comprehended?
Anyway, onto what matters, protests, police, votes…
One day I’ll discover what to say.”
“Recently I participated in SiEM (International Organizations Simulation for High Schoolers – And university freshmen) at UFSC. Here’s my delegation in the General Assembly of the UN:
It was a lot of fun, despite some countries changing their name suddenly,
(student:”The Kingdom of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela!”)
Ans some proposals unrelated to the theme.
(Things which were quite funny, actually)
(Arabs: “Allahu Akbar!..”)
Forming alliances was sensational.
And at lunch they honoured us with Kibbehs.
I wish there’d be another next semester.”
No dia 05 de Maio de 2013 participei do SiEM (Simulação de Organizações Internacionais para Ensino Médio), como diz a tirinha. O evento ocorreu na Centro de Eventos da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, e foi organizado pelo curso de Relações Internacionais da Universidade.
Minha delegação, do Reino da Arábia Saudita, era constituído por mim, Pedro Holsbach, e Pedro Henrique Heiderscheidt. Eu já conhecia ambos.
A experiência foi muito interessante, com certeza uma que não esquecerei. Uma parcela dos alunos que participaram com certeza escolheram cursar Relações Internacionais após tudo aquilo.
Além do conhecimento e experiências adquiridas, conheci pessoas de outros colégios, com quem não sei se teria contato de outra maneira, além de alguns de minha própria escola com quem ainda não havia conversado.
In May the 5th 2013 I participated in SiEM (International Organizations Simulation for High Schoolers – in the portuguese acronym), as says the comic strip. The event occurred in the Center for Events of the Federal University of Santa Catarina State, and was organized by the International Relations course.
My delegation, of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, was constituted by me, Pedro Holsbach, Pedro Henrique Heiderscheidt. I knew them both already.
The experience was very interesting, for sure one I will not forget. A portion of the students who participated surely picked to course International Relations after that.
Besides the knowledge and experiences gained, I met people from other schools, with whom I do not know if I would have had contact with otherwise, besides some of my own school with whom I had not yet talked with.
Aqui uma série de fotos do evento:
Here a series of photos from the event:
E aqui o discurso que fiz (só falta a saudação “As-Salaamu Alaikum” que fiz ao início):
And here the speech I gave at it (it is only missing the salute “As-Salaamu Alaykum” I gave in the beginning):
Por Eduardo Henrique Martins
By Eduardo Henrique Martins