Tira/Comic Strip – 03

Tira 03 Por Eduardo Henrique Martins

“Doing an urine exam is something crazy.

First, the woman asks you to throw away the first stream, use the middle one and discard the last one too.

I don’t know how women are, but men open the register and let the waters roll until the fount dries.

Afterwards you have to play alchemy

And lastly, you leave as if nothing happened.”

Tira/Comic Strip – 02

tira 02 EduardoHenriqueMartins

(Clique para melhorar a qualidade)

(click to improve quality)


Panel 1: ‘Bobo’ Network News Bulletin: The identification of the 9/11 victims was resumed in New York, to unify the population.

(worker:) Hey, I found a credit card!

(worker-2:) ‘think it works?

Panel 2: Obama makes an exchange for 30 armies and puts them in Guam.

Panel 3: Psy ask the USA for asylum, after the moving of missiles.

Sketchbook 2012 – Nº 2

Sketchbooks 2012-63 (smaller than others)

Aqui posto (no link abaixo) o segundo sketchbook que fiz em 2012. Logo figura um autorretrato, que colori recentemente, e agora é minha foto de perfil em algumas redes sociais. O caderno é permeado de estudos do corpo feminino. Estão lá, também, alguns desenhos de ossos humanos, e alguns dos estudos para o desenho sobre a cidade de Florianópolis, feito para o concurso promovido pelo grêmio de meu colégio na feira científico-cultural da escola, que acabei ganhando. Ali também ficaram os desenhos retratando alunos durante a feira, muitos fantasiados como personagens/pessoas históricas. Algumas páginas estão de fora e outras com parte cortada, sendo que no caderno original, encontram-se anotações e desenhos que não acho interessante mostrar agora.

Here I post (on the link below) the second sketchbook I made in 2012. Soon figures a self-portrait, which I’ve coloured recently, and now is my profile picture in some social networks. The book is permeated by studies of the female body. Also some drawings of human bones are there, and some of the studies for the drawing about the city of Florianópolis (in Brazil), made for the contest promoted by my school’s student organization in the cientific-cultural fair of the institution, which I ended up winning. There are also the drawings portraying students during the fair, many costumed as historical people/characters. Some pages are left out and others cropped, for in the original book are annotations and drawings which I do not find interesting to show now.

Link para os desenhos/ Link to the drawings

Por Eduardo Henrique Martins